Sunday, February 27, 2011

Assessing With Technology

     Each school year teachers should adjust and modify assessments for the students needs. Educators are attempting to create learner-centered classrooms rather than teacher-centered classrooms. Educators use assessment activities to discover and record how much students have learned or if they have captured the concept well enough to move forward. Each student will learn differently and show different results in their assessments. Educators must “formatively assess,” the results and make decisions about any changes to improve assessments (Jonassen pg. 219).
     An e-portfolio is an electronic portfolio filled with “digitized artifacts.” E-portfolios help teachers assess various types of learning styles. Teachers are no longer limited to paper and pencil assessments. It is important to assess students through medians that encourage success and proper outcomes (Jonassen pg. 220).
     I just began my e-portfolio experience and I feel that this form of assessment has a lot of potential. The presentation of the e-portfolio is completely up to the student, which allows for flexibility. Students sometimes feel limited in their studies and e-portfolios eliminate this feeling. I have detailed rubrics to follow and also room to interpret the assignments in my own way.

Source:Jonassen, David, Howland, Jane, Marra, Rose, and Crismond, David. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. 217-39. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 5

      We must obey copyrights and fair rules because it is against the law to not follow these laws and it is also morally wrong to steal information. People should always ask investigate their materials before using them without the consent of the author. Many of these authors created these materials to sell and to make money and if their material is stolen they do not profit from it. Others work hard for their products and deserve to be repaid (Newsome). Students do not appreciate other students trying to cheat or steal from them, so we should try to be respectful of others hard work. I will teach my students that we should always know where are information is coming from and if it is legal for them to use.
       Online safety is how we protect ourselves from online predators. Students should use cyber names rather than their real names and they should never give out their personal information. Cyber bullying is when people interact virtually and put unkind terms or symbols that may offend or hurt others. Educators should check often to make sure that the blogs are civil and cooperative. Online predators are everywhere and students should be ready to dismiss any type of suspicious activity and report it to their teacher.
       There was a lot of reading for this week. Copyrights are important business and I learned that we can’t just claim ignorance of the law. There are large fines placed on people that break copyright laws and I think that it is important for us to be exposed to all the guidelines and laws. This weeks activities were informative about to abide by the copyright laws.

Newsome, Cathy. "A Teacher's Guide to Fair Use and Copyright." 1997. Web. 19 Feb. 2011.    

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I love school, but online classes are a different kind of beast. It takes a special type of person to succeed and learn with technology. I hope I catch on quickly, because I do not wish to be left behind.